Life Enhancing Accelerated Degree
B.A in: Psychology & Counseling, Organizational Leadership or Biblical Studies
Make Your Mark. Make a difference in the lives of others and earn your degree in Psychology & Counseling, Organizational Leadership or Biblical Studies. Complete in as little as 4 Semesters.
Pillar College offers adult students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree for the advancement of their professional careers and for personal achievement through our Life Enhancing Accelerated Degree (LEAD) program. The LEAD program provides a small classroom experience where students are taught and mentored by qualified professors whose resumes include years of work experience in their content area. Cohorts, a collaborative small group format, progress through a well-planned series of courses and experiences leading to the completion of a bachelor’s degree in less than 2 years.
Created with the demands of busy professionals in mind, LEAD requires students to meet just one night per week, utilizing a small group format. Students will become part of a cohort, an individualized group that takes classes together along the same track, scheduled at convenient times and locations. The cohort format allows students to find peer support in addition to the myriad of academic resources that are available.
Experience counts with LEAD, and it can give participants a head start in obtaining a degree. Students accepted in LEAD can convert their life experiences and prior learning into credits through portfolio assessments and prior learning assessments that can translate into up to 30 credits for life learning, a savings of one year less in tuition and classroom time.
Completed approximately 48 semester hours from an accredited institution of higher learning including completion of English Composition I (non-accredited courses will be evaluated on a case by case basis including life learning credits.) A GPA of 2.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale) on all prior academic work. Completed an application packet including the application form, official transcripts, two recommendations, and an essay.
The science and profession of psychology continue to experience major growth and diversity. Psychology and Counseling majors will not only master the foundation of the major psychological perspectives in the field but will be able to evaluate each theory based on theological principles. Upon successful completion of this program, the student will be prepared to either pursue further education or serve in a context that does not require licensure.
Prerequisites: Psychology 101 and English Composition 1
First Semester (1) 12 Credits
GEDU 310A Goals, Priorities & Academic Excellence 3
PSYC 320A Biblical Basis for Psychology & Counseling 3
PHIL 301A Survey of Worldviews (Pillar course only) 3
PSYC 310A Theories of Applied Psychology 3
Second Semester (2) 12 Credits
PSYC 305A Human Development 3
PSYC 402A Theories of Personality 3
BIBL 302A Jewish & Christian Scriptures 3
PSYC 403A Human Sexuality 3
Third Semester (3) 12 Credits
PSYC 407A Abnormal Psychology 3
THEO 320A Foundations of Christian Faith 3
COUN 410A Marriage & Family Counseling 3
PSYC 405A Legal & Ethical Issues in Psychology 3
Fourth Semester (4) 12 Credits
COUN 330A Counseling Skills 3
COUN 440A Crisis Counseling 3
COUN 430A Multicultural Counseling 3
COUN 460B Counseling Methods 3
Total: 48 Credits
The Biblical Studies program prepares individuals for a career in a variety of ministries in the Christian church, Christian education, the mission field, social work and services, media and technology, and chaplaincy work. The Biblical Studies Department offers courses in Biblical Studies proper—including both Old Testament and New Testament, Christian Ministry, Church History, and Christian Theology. A seminary track is also available for those who desire preparation for graduate school in ministry which includes a study of the original languages of the Bible.
Prerequisites: English Composition 1
First Semester (1) 12 Credits
GEDU 310A Goals, Priorities & Academic Excellence
MGMT 303A Principles of Leadership
PHIL 301A Survey of Worldviews (Pillar course only)
BSCM 410A Pastoral Care & Counseling
Second Semester (1) 12 Credits
PHIL 331A Christian Ethics
BIBL 302A Jewish & Christian Scriptures
BIBL 420A Principles of Biblical Interpretation
BIBL 325A The Pentateuch
Third Semester (1) 12 Credits
BIBL 410A The Life and Teachings of Christ
BSCM 401A Evangelism & Apologetics
THEO 320A Foundation of Christian Faith
BIBL 451A Pauline Literature
Fourth Semester (1) 12 Credits
BIBL 450A The Book of Romans
CHHS 410A The Church in Global Context
BSCM 420 Homiletics
BSCM 460A Biblical Studies Capstone
Total: 48 Credits
The Biblical Studies program prepares individuals for a career in a variety of ministries in the Christian church, Christian education, the mission field, social work and services, media and technology, and chaplaincy work. The Biblical Studies Department offers courses in Biblical Studies proper—including both Old Testament and New Testament, Christian Ministry, Church History, and Christian Theology. A seminary track is also available for those who desire preparation for graduate school in ministry which includes a study of the original languages of the Bible.
Prerequisites: English Composition 1
First Semester (1) 12 Credits
GEDU 310A Goals, Priorities & Academic Excellence
MGMT 303A Principles of Leadership
PHIL 301A Survey of Worldviews (Pillar course only)
BSCM 410A Pastoral Care & Counseling
Second Semester (1) 12 Credits
PHIL 331A Christian Ethics
BIBL 302A Jewish & Christian Scriptures
BIBL 420A Principles of Biblical Interpretation
BIBL 325A The Pentateuch
Third Semester (1) 12 Credits
BIBL 410A The Life and Teachings of Christ
BSCM 401A Evangelism & Apologetics
THEO 320A Foundation of Christian Faith
BIBL 451A Pauline Literature
Fourth Semester (1) 12 Credits
BIBL 450A The Book of Romans
CHHS 410A The Church in Global Context
BSCM 420 Homiletics
BSCM 460A Biblical Studies Capstone
Total: 48 Credits
The Biblical Studies program prepares individuals for a career in a variety of ministries in the Christian church, Christian education, the mission field, social work and services, media and technology, and chaplaincy work. The Biblical Studies Department offers courses in Biblical Studies proper—including both Old Testament and New Testament, Christian Ministry, Church History, and Christian Theology. A seminary track is also available for those who desire preparation for graduate school in ministry which includes a study of the original languages of the Bible.
Prerequisites: English Composition 1
First Semester (1) 12 Credits
GEDU 310A Goals, Priorities & Academic Excellence
MGMT 303A Principles of Leadership
PHIL 301A Survey of Worldviews (Pillar course only)
BSCM 410A Pastoral Care & Counseling
Second Semester (1) 12 Credits
ORGL 410A Organizational Change & Innovation
BIBL 301A Jewish & Christian Scriptures
BUSM 340A Administration & Management
MGMT 440A Human Resource Management
Third Semester (1) 12 Credits
BUSM 420A Finance and Accounting for Managers
BUSM 430A Team Dynamics
THEO 320A Foundations of Christian Faith
ORGL 430A Organizational Communication
Fourth Semester (1) 12 Credits
MGMT 304A Project Management
ORGL 450A Ethical Decisions in Organizations
ORGL 420A Organizational Culture
ORGL 460B Organizational Leadership Capstone
Total: 48 Credits