Student Activities

Community is everything at Pillar College

Student Activities

Student community is at the heart of campus life. Alongside our students, we have created a thriving campus with an atmosphere of hope. Pillar College offers a variety of activities and opportunities for students to draw closer to each other and to God.

Student Life Facebook Page

Please join the Pillar College Student Life Facebook page or check your student email for a list of current events and activities.

Student Government

The Student Government seeks to fairly represent the interests and concerns of each member of the student body.

Its purpose is to provide efficient and effective addressing of needs within the student body of the College, to uphold the code of conduct of the community, and to initiate positive activities and programs for the benefit of Pillar students. The Student Government, working in close cooperation with the Vice-President of Student Engagement and Director of Spiritual Development, brings the students as a community into a closer and more vital relationship with the rest of the College community. Every semester the S.G.A. plans, organizes, and implements several events and activities that cultivate fellowship, strengthen community, and boost student morale. Activities may include: retreats, chapels, devotionals, formals, game nights, or workshops.

Student Government Association (S.G.A.) Advisor

Nishanth Thomas (Dean of Student Engagement) is also the Student Government Association Advisor for Pillar College, and can be contacted in regard to the S.G.A., Chapels, Student Activities, Student Body Referral Resources, Spiritual Advisement, and Pastoral Counseling.

Student Clubs

Student Activites Contacts

Student Government
Dr. Brian Rawls

Dean of Student Life and Community Engagement

973-803-5000 ext. 1106
[email protected]
Recreational Activities & Student Clubs
[email protected]