Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
To make corrections to your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), go to and click the Log In button on the home page. Use your FSA ID to log in, and then click Make FAFSA Corrections.
When correcting your FAFSA, you can:
To start, you will need your FSA ID (account username and password).
To sign your form electronically, log in at www.studentaid,gov, and then select the “Provide Signatures” button.
If you do not already have an FSA ID, follow the prompts to create your FSA ID.
If you have an FSA ID but don’t remember your username, select “Forgot Username.”
If you have an FSA ID but don’t remember your password, select “Forgot Password.”
If you submit your FAFSA form without signatures, your FAFSA form will be partially processed, and you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) within 3–5 days. However, without your signature, an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) won’t be calculated, and you won’t be able to receive federal student aid. However, you may be eligible for state or local aid. In order for your FAFSA form to fully process, you’ll need to return later to sign electronically.
The FSA ID allows students and parents to identify themselves electronically to access Federal Student Aid websites.An FSA ID is made up of a username and password and can be used to log into the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form at you aren’t required to have an FSA ID to complete and submit a FAFSA form, it’s the fastest way to sign your application and have it processed. It’s also the only way to access or correct your information online, or to prefill an online FAFSA form with information from your previous year’s FAFSA form.Parents: If you previously created an FSA ID when you were a student, you don’t need to create another one. You can only have one FSA ID linked to your Social Security number.
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