Joanne J. Noel, PhD

Dean of the School of Humanities and Culture

Ph.D. Union Institute & University
D.Min. New Brunswick Theological Seminary
M.Div. New Brunswick Theological Seminary
M.A. Rutgers University
B.A. Queens College

Joanne J. Noel is a dynamic and self-motivated academic administrator and leader with more than 20 years of experience teaching various courses in literature, theology, and rhetoric and composition.

At Pillar, she has provided leadership in several capacities: Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Traditional Undergraduate Programs, Director of the Writing Lab, Director of Student Life, Chair of General Education, Professor of English, and Associate Dean of Alternative Programs.

She has also served as Chair of Pillar College’s Curriculum Committee and provides leadership through the Academic Council and The Faculty Tenure and Promotions Committee; she offers leadership for the Black History Month Committee and is the Chairperson of the Faculty Symposium Committee.

During America’s 2020 period of racial unrest, Dr. Noel was instrumental in leading conversations on justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation with key personnel at Pillar College.

Additionally, as an educator, she has designed, developed and taught courses such as: The Bible as Literature, Christian Memoirs, Research and Writing, Rhetoric and Composition, and The Church and Social Justice, Intercultural Communication, African American Literature: The Harlem Renaissance and others. Her educational background and experience have also eminently positioned her to teach across various programs and levels.

As an academician, she has served in the following ways: she has presented numerous times at National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) conferences, including “Advising Underprepared Students”; “Advising the Vanilla Students,” and “Advising in the Inner City.” She has served on Middle States Association Accreditation Committees and reviewed proposals and essays for the AACU- the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the HACU- Hispanic Association for Colleges and Universities, and ICED- the International Consortium for Educational Development and NCTE: The National Council of Teachers of English.

Her love for students is evident in her service to the Pillar College community. At Pillar, she has been instrumental in empowering students by providing mentorship for current students and alumni seeking guidance in professional, academic, and faith matters. She has conducted several workshops on writing and organized several prayer vigils.

As an advocate for student empowerment, Dr. Noel has served as a founding member of Winning Women, an academic and skills-development continuing education advocacy group for women.

She is a workshop presenter and public speaker across the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area and the Caribbean.

She has also written and published various articles, book chapters, and essays in The ABHE Journal, The Department Chair, and These Sisters Can Say It Too. As a columnist for The

Positive Community, she authored articles such as: “The Multicultural Church: A Relevant Church,” “Trick or Treat,” “Have You Laid-Away Your Dream?”, “Adjust Your Attitude,” “Beauty is What You Do,” “I am Coming Out,” “Fostering a Culture of Entitlement,” “The Tenacity of a Spider,” “Church Folks are Hypocrites,” “Satan: The Original Gangsta,” and “Tongues and Theological Education.” Her “The Holy Spirit and Theological Education” was re-published by The Advocate: COGIC Scholars Newsletter.

Dr. Noel earned her Ph.D. in Humanities and Culture and certificates in Creative Writing and Women and Gender Studies from Union Institute and University. Her doctoral work focused on how the underpinnings of religion and spirituality imbricate with gender, sexuality, and race. She earned a Doctor of Ministry from New Brunswick Seminary, and Masters’ Degrees from Rutgers University and New Brunswick Theological Seminary.

She has also been the recipient of several scholarships, awards, and recognitions including the Sue Shankar Scholarship, the Mellon Undergraduate Fellowship, the Helen Hendricks Award, the Ralph Bunche Fellowship, the Daniel J. Ransohoff Scholarship, the M.K. And Kamala Mitra Scholarship Fund Award, the Dean’s Award for Interdisciplinary Scholarship, the Sandham Scholarship for Scholastic Excellence, the James Eelman Prize in Preaching, and the Newark Women Assembly for Distinguished Service Recognition AND Education & Mentorship Legacy Leadership.

Additionally, she was awarded the 2015 and 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award, an honor in recognition of excellence in pedagogy.

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